Missed our mastermind & field trip? No worries, now you can watch the recordings. Learn from industry experts as we dive into the world of offshoring in the Philippines.

Duration: 5 hours 
Access: Lifetime access

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In these mastermind recordings you will discover:

A proven formula for hiring and managing a high-performing offshore team.

How to transform your business operations with affordable, skilled professionals.

Over two decades of experience in building successful teams within the BPO industry.

Pitfalls to avoid when onboarding offshore talent.

Actionable insights for seamlessly integrating virtual assistants into your business.

Strategies to harness cultural differences and foster a collaborative offshore environment.

Proven strategies for slashing operational costs by 50% or more.

What's Included:

Over 5 hours of recorded sessions from industry experts.

Lifetime access to recordings & resources.

  • Total payment
  • 1xMasterclass: Philippines Offshoring Mastermind Recordings$355.50

All prices in USD
